UX/UI Design

DescriptionWaveWise is an online hub for ocean conservation, education, and action. WaveWise's mission is to empower individuals to better comprehend oceanic issues and create a vibrant community where knowledge is shared with joy and enthusiasm. Through concise and informative content, WaveWise aims to foster an environment where users can engage, connect, and make meaningful contributions toward combatting these challenges.

In this collaborative project, we created a website that is tailored for busy individuals, providing concise content and user-friendly features that enable easy engagement with ocean conservation, environmental education, and event participation. The goal is to prioritize a stress-free experience, ensuring that you can contribute to the cause without experiencing eco-anxiety.


Wireframe (Mobile Version)

Login Page

Menu Page

Home Page

About Us Page

Blog Page Menu

Blog Page

Capture Feature


Video Reels

Demo Video